Finding tomorrow's filmmakers


The Opportunity

Help Best Buy drive VASTLY increased USER-GENERATED 90-second FILM CONTENT for their partnership with Spike Lee & his philanthropic non-profit youth filmmaker outreach vehicle, MOFILM

The Challenge

Drive aspiring filmmakers' costly film equipment purchases and loyalty to Best Buy post graduation by engaging them in a high-quality filmmaking competition.

The SolutionS

Narrow focus on this highly nuanced audience to where they already were—specific social media channels, at highly specific (non-9-5) times. Speak to them in THEIR language by presenting a film competition, not a "video contest." 

Underscore the premier prizes given to winners ($10k Best Buy gift card, trip to an international film festival, meetings with highly respected actors, producers and directors) versus engagement with the Best Buy brand specifically.

Go global. Because the prizes included international film festivals, target an international audience able to spread the word about Best Buy’s engagement with the community.

The Outcome

  • 400% increase in film submissions for Best Buy overall

  • 160% increase in Best Buy submissions over other participating brands

  • Organically-earned, global professional film, collegiate & brand community engagement by USC, UCLA, NYU, Kevin Smith, Sundance Film Festivals, The London Film Festival, James Cameron, and more

  • Repeated submissions from a large, highly engaged & educated group of aspiring filmmakers throughout each iteration of calls-for-films—three of which were hired by Best Buy post-graduation